We’re happy to announce something new at Ibiza Jeeps!
From now on you can explore the beautiness of Ibiza at your own pace with our unique self drive island tours in collaboration with Ibiza Routeplan.
We’re working together with Ibiza Routeplan and offering beautiful and fun routes to drive yourself. Get one of the digital routes on your phone or tablet and experience the freedom of being your own tour guide.
Each route will provide you a memorable day tour by passing idyllic beaches, panoramic viewpoints, picturesque villages and magical sights. The routeplan includes breathtaking and tasteful lunch locations for a break during the day or even a swim in the crystal clear sea.
No stress anymore of navigating unfamiliair roads or hours of research. Just follow the route and be enchanted by the magical island!
The routes are easy to order and you will receive them directly. TAP HERE to order your routes at Ibiza Routeplan